型号 |
厂家 |
描述 |
大小 |
页数 |
厂家标志 |
AD5171BRJZ50-R7 | | | KB | | |
AD5252BRU1 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual 64-and 256-Position I2C Nonvolatile Memory Digital Potentiometers | 859 KB | 28 |  |
AD5252BRUZ100 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual 64-and 256-Position I2C Nonvolatile Memory Digital Potentiometers | 859 KB | 28 |  |
AD5255BRU250 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | 3-Channel Digital Potentiometer with Nonvolatile Memory | 626 KB | 20 |  |
AD5201BRM10 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | 3-Channel Digital Potentiometer with Nonvolatile Memory | 626 KB | 20 |  |
AD5320BRMZ-REEL | ANALOG DEVICES INC | 3-Channel Digital Potentiometer with Nonvolatile Memory | 626 KB | 20 |  |
AD5337ARM-REEL7 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | 2.5 V to 5.5 V, 250 UA, 2-Wire Interface Dual-Voltage Output, 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs | 654 KB | 24 |  |
AD587BR | ANALOG DEVICES INC | 2.5 V to 5.5 V, 250 UA, 2-Wire Interface Dual-Voltage Output, 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs | 654 KB | 24 |  |
AD589UH | ANALOG DEVICES INC | LC2MOS 5 us 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold | 146 KB | 12 |  |
AD5624RBRMZ-3 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Quad, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs with 5 ppm/C On-Chip Reference | 1067 KB | 28 |  |
AD5627BCPZ-REEL7 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs? with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C? Interface | 1550 KB | 32 |  |
AD5663RBRMZ-5 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDAC with 5 ppm/C On-Chip Reference | 1396 KB | 28 |  |
AD569JP-REEL | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDAC with 5 ppm/C On-Chip Reference | 1396 KB | 28 |  |
AD547SH/883 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDAC with 5 ppm/C On-Chip Reference | 1396 KB | 28 |  |
AD5930YRUZ | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Programmable Frequency Sweep and Output Burst Waveform Generator | 699 KB | 28 |  |
AD5B41 | ANALOG DEVICES INC | Programmable Frequency Sweep and Output Burst Waveform Generator | 699 KB | 28 |  |