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74LCXP16245MEA FAIRCHILD Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors 97 KB 8
74LS197N FAIRCHILD Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors 97 KB 8
74LS166AFPEL FAIRCHILD Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors 97 KB 8
74LS273WMX FAIRCHILD Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors 97 KB 8
74LCX760SJ(Q) FAIRCHILD Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors 97 KB 8
74LCX573MSAX FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Latch with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 553 KB 12
74LCX10SJX FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Triple 3-Input NAND Gate with 5V Tolerant Inputs 107 KB 8
74LCX138DTR2 FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Triple 3-Input NAND Gate with 5V Tolerant Inputs 107 KB 8
74LCX241WMX FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS253DR FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS240WM FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS161AP FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS182 FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS123NS FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS07P FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
74LS86ADR FAIRCHILD Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 115 KB 10
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