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型号 厂家 描述 大小 页数 厂家标志
FAN7387VN FAIRCHILD Ballast Control IC for Compact Fluorescent Lamp 2103 KB 12
FAN7529 Fairchild Semiconductor Interleaved Dual BCM PFC Controllers 1647 KB 37
FAN6791NY FAIRCHILD Highly Integrated, Dual-PWM Combination Controller 724 KB 19
FAN6793MY FAIRCHILD Highly Integrated, Dual-PWM Combination Controller 724 KB 19
FAN5236MTCC FAIRCHILD Highly Integrated, Dual-PWM Combination Controller 724 KB 19
FAN5029MPC1 FAIRCHILD Highly Integrated, Dual-PWM Combination Controller 724 KB 19
FAN5059MTC FAIRCHILD Highly Integrated, Dual-PWM Combination Controller 724 KB 19
FAN4855 Fairchild Semiconductor 500mA High Efficiency Boost Regulator with Adjustable Output, Shutdown and Low Battery Detect 527 KB 12
FAN2509S25X_NL Fairchild Semiconductor 500mA High Efficiency Boost Regulator with Adjustable Output, Shutdown and Low Battery Detect 527 KB 12
FAN2500SX\fACA Fairchild Semiconductor 500mA High Efficiency Boost Regulator with Adjustable Output, Shutdown and Low Battery Detect 527 KB 12
FAN1585AMX_NL Fairchild Semiconductor 500mA High Efficiency Boost Regulator with Adjustable Output, Shutdown and Low Battery Detect 527 KB 12
FAN1587AMC15X FAIRCHILD 3A Adjustable/Fixed Low Dropout Linear Regulator 70 KB 14
FAN1587D3.3 FAIRCHILD 3A Adjustable/Fixed Low Dropout Linear Regulator 70 KB 14
FAN1587T FAIRCHILD 3A Adjustable/Fixed Low Dropout Linear Regulator 70 KB 14
FAN1117D2.5 FAIRCHILD 3A Adjustable/Fixed Low Dropout Linear Regulator 70 KB 14
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