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型号 厂家 描述 大小 页数 厂家标志
IRFZ44NL International Rectifier Power MOSFET(Vdss=55V, Rds(on)=0.0175ohm, Id=49A) 151 KB 10
IRFZ34E International Rectifier HEXFET POWER MOSFET 120 KB 8
IRFS4410PBF International Rectifier HEXFET Power MOSFET 796 KB 11
IRFF9221 International Rectifier TRANSISTOR | MOSFET | P-CHANNEL | 150V V(BR)DSS | 2.5A I(D) | TO-205AA 289 KB 0
IRFB13N50APBF Vishay Siliconix Power MOSFET 156 KB 8
IRF7455PBF International Rectifier HEXFET Power MOSFET 1026 KB 8
IRF641 FAIRCHILD N-Channel Power MOSFETs, 18A, 150-200V 140 KB 5
IRF7104PBF International Rectifier HEXFET Power MOSFET 215 KB 9
IRF530NSTRR International Rectifier HEXFET Power MOSFET 215 KB 9
IRF121 INTERSIL CORPORATION 8.0A and 9.2A, 80V and 100V, 0.27 and 0.36 Ohm, N-Channel, Power MOSFETs 68 KB 7
IRF1405ZPBF International Rectifier AUTOMOTIVE MOSFET ( VDSS = 55V , RDS(on) = 4.9mヘ , ID = 75A ) 812 KB 13
IRF1010EZS International Rectifier AUTOMOTIVE MOSFET 285 KB 12
IRF3706SPBF International Rectifier AUTOMOTIVE MOSFET 285 KB 12
IRF523 FAIRCHILD N-Channel Power MOSFETs, 11 A, 60-100 V 166 KB 5
IRF5802TRPBF FAIRCHILD N-Channel Power MOSFETs, 11 A, 60-100 V 166 KB 5
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