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型号 厂家 描述 大小 页数 厂家标志
ISL8393IBZ INTERSIL CORPORATION Low-Voltage, Single and Dual Supply, Quad SPST, Analog Switches 341 KB 12
ISL84762IR-T INTERSIL CORPORATION Ultra Low ON-Resistance, Low Voltage, Single Supply, Dual SPDT Analog Switch 276 KB 12
ISL83384ECAZA INTERSIL CORPORATION 【15kV ESD Protected, +3V to +5.5V, 1 Microamp, 250Kbps, RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver 281 KB 9
ISL7555IBA INTERSIL CORPORATION 【15kV ESD Protected, +3V to +5.5V, 1 Microamp, 250Kbps, RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver 281 KB 9
ISL8104CRZ INTERSIL CORPORATION 8V to 14V, Single-Phase Synchronous Buck Pulse-Width Modulation PWM Controller With Integrated Gate Drivers 355 KB 14
ISL8105IBZ INTERSIL CORPORATION +5V or +12V Single-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter PWM Controller withIntegrated MOSFET Gate Drivers 643 KB 16
ISL76161AVZ INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6801ABT INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6658CB INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6619KGTPIQ INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6603CBZ INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6608CS INTERSIL CORPORATION 12-Bit, +3.3V, 130MSPS, High Speed D/A Converter 497 KB 12
ISL6609IRZ INTERSIL CORPORATION Synchronous Rectified MOSFET Driver 1674 KB 12
ISL6613CR INTERSIL CORPORATION Advanced Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET Drivers with Protection Features 250 KB 12
ISL6566ACRZ-T INTERSIL CORPORATION Three-Phase Buck PWM Controller with Two Integrated MOSFET Drivers and One External Driver Signal 784 KB 28
ISL6566CRR5184 INTERSIL CORPORATION Three-Phase Buck PWM Controller with Integrated MOSFET Drivers for VRM9, VRM10, and AMD Hammer Applications 803 KB 29
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