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型号 厂家 描述 大小 页数 厂家标志
LB1426 索尼公司生产的L B 1416 、1426 、1436单片数字集 成电路是电平表电路。 147 KB 4
LB1551 94 KB 0
LB1631M Industrial Control IC 85 KB 0
LB1928 Sanyo Semicon Device Three-Phase Brushless Motor Driver for Office Automation Equipment 112 KB 11
LB1413N Sanyo Semicon Device 5-Dot Red/Green LED Level Meter 113 KB 4
LB1840M Sanyo Semicon Device Low-voltage/Low-saturation Bidirectional Variable Constant-voltage Motor Driver 73 KB 5
LB1669 Sanyo Semicon Device 2-Phase Unipolar Brushless Motor Driver 69 KB 5
LB1945 Sanyo Semicon Device 2-Phase Unipolar Brushless Motor Driver 69 KB 5
LB1877 Sanyo Semicon Device Brushless Motor Driver with Speed Control for Portable Cassette Recorders 71 KB 7
LB1868M-TE-L3 Sanyo Semicon Device Brushless Motor Driver with Speed Control for Portable Cassette Recorders 71 KB 7
LB11963T-TE-L Sanyo Semicon Device Brushless Motor Driver with Speed Control for Portable Cassette Recorders 71 KB 7
LB1830M-S-TLM-E Sanyo Semicon Device Brushless Motor Driver with Speed Control for Portable Cassette Recorders 71 KB 7
LB1672N Sanyo Semicon Device Brushless Motor Driver with Speed Control for Portable Cassette Recorders 71 KB 7
LB11975 Sanyo Semicon Device High-Speed CD-ROM Spindle Motor Driver IC 118 KB 12
LB11884 Sanyo Semicon Device High-Speed CD-ROM Spindle Motor Driver IC 118 KB 12
LB11862M-TE-L Sanyo Semicon Device High-Speed CD-ROM Spindle Motor Driver IC 118 KB 12
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