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SMA020E025C KB
SMBJ8V5CA FAIRCHILD Transient Voltage Suppressors SMBJ5V0(C)A - SMBJ170(C)A 87 KB 4
SMCJ400A Micro Commercial Components Transient Voltage Suppressor 5.0 to 440 Volts 1500 Watt 232 KB 5
SMCJ6.0A-13 Micro Commercial Components Transient Voltage Suppressor 5.0 to 440 Volts 1500 Watt 232 KB 5
SMC7G50US60 Micro Commercial Components Transient Voltage Suppressor 5.0 to 440 Volts 1500 Watt 232 KB 5
SMF6.0AT1G Micro Commercial Components Transient Voltage Suppressor 5.0 to 440 Volts 1500 Watt 232 KB 5
SMP253MA4220MT1 Micro Commercial Components Transient Voltage Suppressor 5.0 to 440 Volts 1500 Watt 232 KB 5
SMS3929-021 Alpha Industries Surface Mount Schottky Quad Mixer Diodes 442 KB 2
SMV1213-074 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. SMV1211-SMV1215: Hyperabrupt Junction Tuning Varactors 82 KB 7
SMS7621-075 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. Surface Mount Mixer and Detector Schottky Diodes 143 KB 5
SMS12GE3T SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. Surface Mount Mixer and Detector Schottky Diodes 143 KB 5
SMP240SVC SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. Surface Mount Mixer and Detector Schottky Diodes 143 KB 5
SMP50-220 STMICROELECTRONICS Trisil for telecom equipment protection 129 KB 11
SMP50-68 STMICROELECTRONICS Trisil for telecom equipment protection 129 KB 11
SMP04ES-REEL STMICROELECTRONICS Trisil for telecom equipment protection 129 KB 11
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