型号 |
厂家 |
描述 |
大小 |
页数 |
厂家标志 |
STR6559 | | | KB | | |
STR6601 | | STR6601是日本三肯公司在⒛世纪80年代后期推出的一种内含电源功率开关管的电源厚膜集成电路。其最大输出电流为0.8A。 | 44 KB | 2 | |
STR730FZ1H6 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ARM7TDMI⑩ 32-bit MCU with Flash, 3x CAN, 4 UARTs, 20 timers, ADC, 12 comm. interfaces | 1377 KB | 52 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2005-12-23/9_579645973_small.jpg) |
STRA6151SK453 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ARM7TDMI⑩ 32-bit MCU with Flash, 3x CAN, 4 UARTs, 20 timers, ADC, 12 comm. interfaces | 1377 KB | 52 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2005-12-23/9_579645973_small.jpg) |
STRA6169 | STMICROELECTRONICS | ARM7TDMI⑩ 32-bit MCU with Flash, 3x CAN, 4 UARTs, 20 timers, ADC, 12 comm. interfaces | 1377 KB | 52 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2005-12-23/9_579645973_small.jpg) |
STR-A6259H | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STR-D1816 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRS5412 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRW6556 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRW6756N | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STR-W6833 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRZ-2152 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STR-Z4579 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STR-G5624A | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRGT6153 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |
STRZ1508 | ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS, INC | Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators | 897 KB | 13 | ![](http://pdf-html-new.icpdf.com/manu/2015-7-17/ALLEGRO_95.gif) |